My previous lightbox, unfortunately, didn't make it past 6 months so I created a bigger and much more sturdy lightbox. I'm happy with it now but I just have to get the lighting right and I'll be even more satisfied :)
One of the shots I was satisfied with and didn't require any tweaking.
Untweaked Tweaked Untweaked Tweaked Of course one of my cats, Niles, had to disturb my test shoot. Sniffing out this new contraption Doing some cat modeling
Went out today and took some photos. I was going to buy the first one since it was my favorite but was reminded by a passing customer that we can't buy alcohol on Sundays. Dammit.
The NFL has started a Breast Cancer Awareness campaign and they're showing their support by wearing pink on their uniforms,shoes, hats, etc. The NFL showing their support for Breast Cancer really hit home with me because I lost my Aunt Joyce and my grandmother, Odessa, to breast cancer. My aunt Penny is a recent survivor and I admire her for her strength to overcome this disease.
I have a pin that I carry with me all the time. I'll be wearing it this month to show my support :)