
Ad Inspirations

A few unique ads I found:

Type is dominant in this ad. Since the ad has a lot going on it was a good idea to allow some negative space between the central image and large text .

I like this ad because of its clever use of imagery. Once again negative space helps to create breathing room and as the ad states, separates the actual product from the pack.

Literal and unexpected approach to an ad about allergies. Creates a relationship with the viewer since a good majority of people, including myself, know just how that guy feels.

This one caught my eye a while back and I had been meaning to scan it in. Just one photograph and one simple graphic combine to create a very effective and creative ad.

Thought I'd post a few old school ads as well:

Simple ad showcasing the relationship between cereal and milk. Let's be friends!

Weird and literal. Love it!


  1. These are really cool. Where did you find all of them?

  2. The first 4 were scanned from Entertainment and People Magazine. The old school ads are from vintage tabloid magazines that I collected. And the Sea Bee and Burger King ads I found on Flickr.

  3. Good collection of ad examples! I like the old ones too. :)
