
The cocoa bean lost weight

After critique, I took a looooonnnnnggggg look at my logo and I realized though it has a distinct shape, the sides were not evened up. It was also suggested by my classmates that I fix the bean's "N" so that it would be much easier to read. The tip of the "N" use to be pointy but it wasn't matching up with the ends of the A, so I made it flat to balance it out. Also, the letters in the previous cocoa bean were too bulky so I decided to scale them down.

So last night I printed and sketched on the print so that I could work off what was already in the computer instead of making an entirely new sketch.

Oh and I have decided to eliminate the word "final" from my vocabulary so I'm going to call this the DEFINITE possibility :)


  1. I think this one's very nice! Way to apply advice! ;)

  2. It's definitely a lot cleaner now and everything's much more readable. This is the correct color and all, right?

  3. Thanks for the feedback!

    Loc, yep those are the colors.

  4. This looks amazing. I've loved it from the start, but it looks really great now...much more refined

  5. I really like this design. I like how clean it is but it has this natural refreshing look. the color scheme is very good as well. The concept is strong pertaining to the message that you are trying to convey through the image
