
[GRD 4200] RND 1: Logos

Joel & Associates Billboard Versions

I've changed the font color and size on the tagline and added a period to headline.
I like both but I think I'm leaning more towards Campaign 1.

Campaign Version 1 (Using J only)

[4th - Under Construction]

Campaign Version 2 (Using JOEL)

Boys and Girls Club "Be Great" Billboards

Another example of great billboard advertising. I saw the Usher billboard on my way to work and just fell in love with this campaign.

Now this is a great way to use celebrities to advertise something so special. Each of the celebrities featured are alumni of Boys and Girls Club and by using their childhood photos, it's showing that every child has the potential to achieve similar success. Clever and true!


[3050] Printmaking Beginnings - Line Etch

What I've done so far in Printmaking [just the beginnings].

I enjoy it and it's a lot of hard work, but what isn't? I've just learned how to wipe the plate correctly, which is a skill in its own.

I'm looking forward to experimenting further with this newfangled process [did I really just say newfangled? oy]