
[GRD 4020] Narrowed wine possibilites to three...

1. Mad Housewife

2. Woop Woop

3. Running with Scissors


[GRD 4020] More Wine Possibilities....

Went to the local winery today, couldn't take pictures so I wrote the names down of each.


6th Sense Syrah

Butterfield Station

A to Z

Couldn't find a picture of the actual bottle


Running with Scissors

Woop Woop


[GRD 4020] Wine possibilities....

Went out today and took some photos. I was going to buy the first one since it was my favorite but was reminded by a passing customer that we can't buy alcohol on Sundays. Dammit.

Oh and excuse the blurriness :)

1. Mad Housewife

2. Smoking Loon

3. Monkey Bay


Think Type #5

Think Type #4

Think Type #3

Think Type #2

Think Type #1


Real men do wear pink

The NFL has started a Breast Cancer Awareness campaign and they're showing their support by wearing pink on their uniforms,shoes, hats, etc. The NFL showing their support for Breast Cancer really hit home with me because I lost my Aunt Joyce and my grandmother, Odessa, to breast cancer. My aunt Penny is a recent survivor and I admire her for her strength to overcome this disease.

I have a pin that I carry with me all the time. I'll be wearing it this month to show my support :)


[GRD 4020] Blog Assignment #8 - Each week I feel as though I must check in at/with……

1. Misprinted Type

2. Exo (Flickr page of a Graphic Designer)

3. Sarah France (Another Flickr page of a graphic designer/photographer)

4. And TCM just to see if any of my favorite old movies are coming on each week. Plus, old movies keep my stress level down :)


[GRD 4020] Blog Assignment #7

I've gone back and looked at old magazines I've collected in the past few years for inspiration AND for my upcoming magazine project. I love the structured layouts with the masthead placed in the upper left corner. I also like the fact that there was not so much clutter on the cover as magazines today now have. This is something I plan to do with my magazine cover. Simplicity is key!

The first 3 I scanned in:

This one includes a brief description of the lead article on the cover (another idea, possibly??)

The many magazines of LIFE

Just recently started reading Valley of the Dolls. The cut outs of the "dolls" are in a strange way almost reminiscent of the process I'm going through to create my stencils for my magazine.

That was the updated cover, I prefer the older version of the book cover because the Pepto Bismol pink color makes my stomach hurt:


[GRD 4020] New Idea AGAIN

Complete 360. I wasn't getting far with the food idea, so I took it back to the drawing board.

Kind of odd how this idea came about but here's the story:

I was watching Family Feud and one of the questions was about what things do you put in drawers, someone answered junk and a light bulb went on in my head. I ran to my junk drawer and just started digging. I was also amazed at all the stuff I found in there. Talk about memories!

Not done yet of course, but I'm liking this idea better then the others :)