
[GRD 4020] Blog Assignment #7

I've gone back and looked at old magazines I've collected in the past few years for inspiration AND for my upcoming magazine project. I love the structured layouts with the masthead placed in the upper left corner. I also like the fact that there was not so much clutter on the cover as magazines today now have. This is something I plan to do with my magazine cover. Simplicity is key!

The first 3 I scanned in:

This one includes a brief description of the lead article on the cover (another idea, possibly??)

The many magazines of LIFE

Just recently started reading Valley of the Dolls. The cut outs of the "dolls" are in a strange way almost reminiscent of the process I'm going through to create my stencils for my magazine.

That was the updated cover, I prefer the older version of the book cover because the Pepto Bismol pink color makes my stomach hurt:

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